MCMS Alumni
We are proud of our MCMS alumni! MCMS graduates go on to attend a variety of area high schools including Madison West, Madison Memorial, Edgewood, Verona, Middleton, Madison Country Day and Clark Street Community School. As we send our 8th graders off to high school, we are reminded of the many qualities they possess that derive from their MCMS education.
MCMS alumni pursuing four-year degrees have attended universities that include UW-Madison, UW-Milwaukee, UW-Stout, UW-LaCrosse, Marquette University, University of Minnesota, University of Chicago, Lawrence University, Harvard, St. Olaf, Carnegie Mellon, Columbia University, and the University of Georgia. MCMS alumni are business owners, athletes, computer programmers, teachers, and more.
If you are a former MCMS student with news to share, contact us and stay connected! We’d love to hear about your latest adventures.
Alumni Panel
Our most popular Parent Information & Engagement (PIE) is our annual Alumni Panel. Recent MCMS graduates come back to serve as a panel for parent questions about transitioning to high school and beyond. It is one thing to read about the confident, thoughtful students who have graduated from MCMS, but another to see it on full display as our alumni share their experiences. Keep an eye on the calendar for our next Alumni Panel, which usually takes place in late January or early February.
Quotes from MCMS Alumni:
“Going to Montessori has really broadened the horizon for me as a student with many different opportunities due to a more open school, full of freedom and choices.”
“They [the teachers] taught me how to manage my time using a planner… I also learned to take notes during lectures and how to take tests. I now feel more than ready for high school…”
“You give a child a fish, they have one meal, you teach a child to fish they have many, but if you send that child to Montessori, they are set for life.”
“Being at Montessori built a strong foundation for my education.”
“Up until now I have learned independence, choice, and strength from my Montessori experience. Now that I am ready to move onto high school, I am proud to know that my Montessori experience will always be strong.”
“MCMS prepared me very well for high school and for life ahead.”
“One of the most important things that MCMS has given to me are friends. My classmates have supported me with almost everything I’ve done and helped morph me into the person I am today.”
“Socially in high school I have noticed that people don’t know how to converse with people outside their own bubble. At MCMS there was no bubble; you are your own person, you must carry on intelligent conversations with lots of different people. This skill is helpful in that it teaches you how to get to know people.”
“Here [at MCMS] you learn at your own pace; in high school everyone is stuck – the whole class must stay together. Slow kids get left behind and kids who get it are bored.”
“The greatest gift from MCMS was the ability to harness your love of learning.”
Stay Connected
We’d love to hear what you are up to! Send us an email and let us know what exciting things you are doing – new schools, jobs, and life events. Also, keep your address updated so we can send you the latest MCMS news and information.
- Community Service and Volunteering Opportunities: We would love to have you involved with the MCMS community! Please contact Amanda at the email address above if you’re interested in serving at MCMS. Here are some ways you can help:
- Volunteer at an MCMS event – check out our calendar for dates and times. We can always use extra hands leading up the event if those times don’t work with your schedule!
- Help a young reader by reading or being read to in the classroom
- Provide childcare during parent events
- Take care of our outdoor spaces